Black Friday is a hacker’s holiday, says think tank

Black Friday hero

Black Friday shoppers should be on the lookout for new scams launched by hackers in the days leading up to the event.

With hackers impersonating well-known businesses, Check Point Research (CPR) said that the team has already noticed a dramatic rise in phishing attempts involving online shopping.

According to a recent CPR statement, “While consumers are getting ready to bag the best deal, cybercriminals are taking advantage of distracted minds by launching their own shopping ‘specials’”. These, the agency said, take the shape of phishing attacks and copycat websites – designed to look like the online shops of known retailers.

A malicious phishing email that looked like it had been sent by luxury retailer Louis Vuitton and using a suspicious email address was found by Check Point researchers at the end of October.

“The well-known fashion brand was also the subject of several other fake websites,” CPR wrote, adding that four domains with the same format were registered at the beginning of October.

According to reports, all of these websites were created to resemble the official Louis Vuitton website and propagated via emails with subject lines that implied discounts were available.

Check Point said that over the previous month they had seen an increased number of incidents involving these domains, reaching close to 15,000 in the second week of November.

Hackers were exploiting the Black Friday shopping spree not only by pretending to be reputable online shops, but also delivery companies.

CPR states that during the first 10 days of November, 17% of all malicious files disseminated via emails had to do with orders, delivery, and shipping.

One scam attempted to obtain the victims’ login information by pretending to be the delivery service DHL and demanding €1.99 in order to complete the delivery.

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Once the above questions have been answered, a disaster recovery and backup readiness index can be calculated based on the following scale: 

  • Level 1: Inadequate – The organization has significant gaps in its disaster recovery and backup posture.  
  • Level 2: Developing – The organization has some disaster recovery and backup processes in place, but significant improvements are needed.  
  • Level 3: Mature – The organization has a mature disaster recovery and backup posture, but there is room for improvement.  
  • Level 4: Robust – The organization has a strong disaster recovery and backup posture and is well-prepared to address potential disruptions.  
  • Level 5: Exceptional – The organization has a comprehensive and mature approach to disaster recovery and backup. 

The disaster recovery and backup readiness index can be calculated by assigning a score of 1-5 to each question based on the level of readiness demonstrated. The scores are then averaged across all questions in each category to determine the readiness level for that category. The overall disaster recovery and backup readiness index is calculated by averaging the readiness levels across all categories. 

Level 1: Basic
You have minimal cybersecurity processes in place and face a high risk of cyberattacks. Immediate attention and significant improvements are necessary to enhance your security posture.

Level 2: Developing
You have some cybersecurity processes in place but require substantial improvements to reach a mature state. You should focus on strengthening your policies, procedures, and security controls.

Level 3: Mature
You have a solid cybersecurity posture, but there is still room for improvement. You should continue enhancing your processes, monitoring capabilities, and incident response practices.

Level 4: Advanced
You have a strong cybersecurity posture and are well-prepared to address potential threats. However, you should remain proactive and stay abreast of emerging threats and technologies to maintain your advanced level of security.

Level 5: Leading
You have a comprehensive and mature approach to cybersecurity. You are a leader in cybersecurity best practices and continually innovate to stay ahead of evolving threats.

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