Your Maturity Index

Level 4-5: Advanced to Leading

Congratulations! Your organization is at the forefront of disaster recovery and backup preparedness. You have demonstrated exceptional resilience and foresight. Here are some next steps to maintain your leading position

Level 4-5: Advanced to Leading


Business Impact Analysis:
Continuously refine your analysis to align with changing business dynamics and emerging technologies.
Share your insights and best practices with industry peers to contribute to the community.


Disaster Recovery Plan:
Innovate your disaster recovery plan by integrating cutting-edge technologies and methodologies.
Actively participate in industry forums and events to stay ahead of emerging threats and solutions.


Backup and Recovery:
Invest in state-of-the-art backup solutions, including cloud-based options for scalability and flexibility.
Collaborate with experts and thought leaders to explore new avenues for data protection and recovery.


Monitoring and Maintenance:
Pioneer the adoption of AI-driven monitoring tools and predictive analytics for proactive issue resolution.
Mentor and support other organizations in enhancing their disaster recovery and backup strategies.

Remember, disaster recovery is an ongoing journey. Regular assessments, continuous improvement, and proactive adaptation to emerging challenges will ensure your organization’s resilience in the face of uncertainties. If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out to us at or call us at +48 22 125 51 24 or +45 78 71 88 12. Thank you for prioritizing the security and continuity of your business with us.

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Once the above questions have been answered, a disaster recovery and backup readiness index can be calculated based on the following scale: 

  • Level 1: Inadequate – The organization has significant gaps in its disaster recovery and backup posture.  
  • Level 2: Developing – The organization has some disaster recovery and backup processes in place, but significant improvements are needed.  
  • Level 3: Mature – The organization has a mature disaster recovery and backup posture, but there is room for improvement.  
  • Level 4: Robust – The organization has a strong disaster recovery and backup posture and is well-prepared to address potential disruptions.  
  • Level 5: Exceptional – The organization has a comprehensive and mature approach to disaster recovery and backup. 

The disaster recovery and backup readiness index can be calculated by assigning a score of 1-5 to each question based on the level of readiness demonstrated. The scores are then averaged across all questions in each category to determine the readiness level for that category. The overall disaster recovery and backup readiness index is calculated by averaging the readiness levels across all categories. 

Level 1: Basic
You have minimal cybersecurity processes in place and face a high risk of cyberattacks. Immediate attention and significant improvements are necessary to enhance your security posture.

Level 2: Developing
You have some cybersecurity processes in place but require substantial improvements to reach a mature state. You should focus on strengthening your policies, procedures, and security controls.

Level 3: Mature
You have a solid cybersecurity posture, but there is still room for improvement. You should continue enhancing your processes, monitoring capabilities, and incident response practices.

Level 4: Advanced
You have a strong cybersecurity posture and are well-prepared to address potential threats. However, you should remain proactive and stay abreast of emerging threats and technologies to maintain your advanced level of security.

Level 5: Leading
You have a comprehensive and mature approach to cybersecurity. You are a leader in cybersecurity best practices and continually innovate to stay ahead of evolving threats.

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Link do webinaru otrzymają Państwo mailowo dzień przed spotkaniem.

23 Marca 2023

10:00 via MS Teams

Tomasz Woźniak

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